Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine.

Confessions of a Tinderella by Rosy Edwards
Release Date: August 1, 2015

Goodreads Summary:
The laugh-out-loud true story of one girl’s experience of life on Tinder

Rosy Edwards is the epitome of a contradictory 20-something year old. She’s frugal when it comes to food shopping, but is willing to spend £17 on shampoo. She’s career-minded, she just doesn’t know which career to have in mind right now. And although she’s happy being single, a part of her kind of wants a boyfriend. So after a few unsuccessful dates with friends of friends (read: being forced to date their shortest/dullest/oddest acquaintance), she put herself on Tinder, the app that has transformed the world of online dating. And she soon learns the unspoken rules the hard way: always reject a guy with black and white profile pics (he is ginger and/or ugly); is wearing a hat (bald); has a shot of his torso (moron); or is not standing beside anything scaleable (5”8 and under). And then there are the dates themselves. From a 3:30 am dinner date to a borderline drug bust in Chelsea, Rosy has experienced it all, swinging through her love life on the trapeze of Tinder. She falls for the wrong guys, ditches the nice ones, but can she finally find her happy ending? Amazingly honest and hilariously funny, Rosy’s story shows us all that the key to a successful love life could just be a swipe away.

Why I’m Waiting:
This sounds hilarious! I actually met my current boyfriend on Tinder, but I had lots of crazy experiences before I met him. I am sure this book will not disappoint.

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