Real Mermaids Don’t Wear Toe Rings (Real Mermaids #1) by Helene Boudreau

Goodreads Summary:
Freak of nature takes on a whole new meaning…

My Review:
This book was kind of a disappointment. There were some really great, really funny parts that I thoroughly enjoyed. The beginning of the book was hilarious! I loved it. It was what any normal teenage girl would experience and could relate to, and then throw in growing a mermaid tail. I felt like the book just went downhill from there.
The way that all of the mermaid parts was down was weird to me. It is not just that I don’t like it because mermaids aren’t normal. I have read other mermaid books and enjoyed them. This one just didn’t really keep me as engaged as I would have liked for it to have.
I did love the romance part. It was really sweet, and totally relatable. She didn’t have any idea that he liked her, and it was cute how they both started sharing their feelings. I liked the way the book ended to, with him making the relationship even more meant to be. (I don’t want to give it away!!!) With that being said, I am not sure how there are two more books in this series, because it pretty much had a solid ending I thought. I guess we will have to read to find out!

3 stars

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